Elizabeth L. Sherrod - Ex Officio

Elizabeth Sherrod earned her BS and MS degrees at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville. After graduation, she remained in Knoxville and in 1990 she was employed by the Office of Inspector General at the Tennessee Valley Authority. Elizabeth worked as a Special Agent (SSA) with the TVA-OIG for over 22 years before her retirement.  Although she worked many different types of investigations, her area of specialization is health care fraud, and she has worked in that area of fraud since 1994.  Ms. Sherrod is recognized as a Certified Fraud Examiner by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and was certified as an Accredited HealthCare Fraud Investigator by the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association until her retirement. Ms. Sherrod also participated in investigations involving contract fraud, workers’ compensation fraud, theft of government property, credit card fraud and other white collar crimes. In addition to being the Regional Coordinator for the Upper East Tennessee Drug Diversion Working Group since 2009, Ms. Sherrod also served as the State Coordinator – Tennessee Drug Diversion Working Group, a group comprised of local, state & federal law enforcement officers, healthcare professionals and regulatory professionals.  The Tennessee Drug Diversion Working Group was formerly known as the Tennessee Drug Diversion Task Force.  During 2012, the Tennessee Drug Diversion Task Force merged with the Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force to become the Tennessee Methamphetamine and Pharmaceutical Task Force.  Ms. Sherrod severed as a member of the Tennessee Methamphetamine and Pharmaceutical Task Force Executive Board of Directors until her retirement from law

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